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How do education and creativity exist together? In an age where students are faced with 'learning outcomes' and institutions are scrutinised on success rates and league tables, what does that mean for the student, and how does this impact on creative development, for both the individual and as an industry as a whole?
Looking at the wider context within the creative arts, including music and cinema, what does freedom to create on one's own terms really mean, and is this possible within the frameworks of today's commercial, art, and educational sectors? Is there an alternative model, and can it work?
This issue of PpR Journal originated from the idea of a 'free school'. The Japanese fashion designer Yoshikazu Yamagata (writtenafterwards and Written By) founded coconogacco, an independent fashion school in Tokyo. A school where students do not follow learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and instead are free to explore their individual creative potential without such constraints. Exploring the notion of freedom singer/songwriter Tanita Tikaram discusses the creative process in an intimate conversation, Anton Gottlob photographs Kazuko Hohki of Frank Chickens, and Chikashi Suzuki joins a class of students at coconogacco.
Chikashi Suzuki, Anders Edstrom, Timo Wirsching, Moreno Galata, Olu Odukoya, Hajime Sawatari, Anton Gottlob, Elizabeth Gregory, Miho Miyachi, Ayako Shuto, Laura Gardner, Maya Akashika, Sumire Hayakawa, Yoshiko Kurata, Marija Radakovic.
PpR Journal Issue 3
Author: David Bennett (Editor-in-Chief)
Publisher: PpR Editions
Language: English
Pages: 128
Size: 27.5 × 20.5 cm
Binding: Saddle Stitched
ISSN: 2057-4959
COVER: University of Milan. Photography by Timo Wirsching. Styling by Moreno Galata.